Kindergarten Information

Kindergarten Info

Here are some quick facts about our Kindergarten program

  • We have small class sizes
  • Our kindergarten program runs all day on Monday and Wednesdays (8:32-3:13) and half days on Fridays (8:32-12:01). Parents will be given a schedule at the beginning of the school year that shows which Fridays are kindergarten Fridays. 
  • Mrs. Dunlop is our kindergarten teacher
  • Literacy and numeracy instruction is interwoven to activities all throughout the day. Our goal is that all students will develop their literacy and numeracy abilities throughout the year
  • Our kindergarten class gets to enjoy the fine arts experts that come to our school
  • We love bringing in special guests such as the Taber Fire Department, Taber Police, and dentists so that students can learn more about their community
  • Students go on trips to the Taber Gymnastics Centre, Spray Park and Helen Schuler Centre